Why is Tubidy not showing all related videos

Common Issues Related To Tubidy

Why is Tubidy not showing all related videos? Tubidy is one of the popular music streaming platforms. With Tubidy, you can listen to your favourite songs for free anytime and anywhere. Another feature that makes it popular is that it allows its users to download songs from other platforms, such as YouTube.

To do so, you just need to copy the link of the song you want to download, paste it on Tubidy’s search tab column, then download it. You can opt for saving it in the form of MP3, MP4, 3GP, or other formats. However, this music streaming platform also has some issues. Below are the common issues that the users of Tubidy have experienced.

Why is Tubidy not showing all related videos

Tubidy Does Not Show All Related Videos

This issue is perhaps because there is something wrong with Tubidy’s algorithm. So, the platform fails to show all related videos according to your search. It can also be caused by its library, meaning that Tubidy’s songs library is not as complete as other music streaming platforms. So that it can only show just a few of related videos.

Another possibility is that one of the scripts is wrong so that the platform fails to show all videos related to your searching.

Why is Tubidy not showing all related videos

Tubidy Does Not Download

Why is Tubidy not downloading? Some users report that the music streaming platform suddenly will not let them download songs via third-party platforms like YouTube. For this issue, it is possible that YouTube is either blocking the platform or has changed their API so that Tubidy becomes useless.

Read:  How To Search On Tubidy? 2 Simple Ways You Should Know!

And if you visit Tubidy’s official website, you will notice that their latest update was a year ago. Also, there is nothing new on their website. This can mean that Tubidy no longer works. It is not even available in the App Store now.

Tubidy is not Compatible with Your Device

When you try to download the Tubidy app on your device, and the app store shows that your device is not compatible with this version, this clearly implies that your device is not compatible with the app. Or your device simply does not support it. This does not mean that there is something wrong with your device.

This means that the developer of Tubidy has not chosen the type of your device for the app due to their own reasons. Another possible reason is that the app is not available in your region.


