How to access Tubidy

How To Access Tubidy? And The Features You Can Use After Accessing It

How To Access Tubidy? – Tubidy is more than just a music search engine. Users can’t only find their favorite music but also convert it from a specific format to another format.

Then, they can listen to music on their smartphone. The question is, how to access Tubidy? Learn it below and get your access right away.

How to access Tubidy

The Way to Access Tubidy

The most important thing to note is that you must have an account to access Tubidy and use all the features. That’s why to sign up for a new account first once you visit the official website.

Use your new account to log in to this website. Now, the features are ready to use. It’s so straightforward, isn’t it?

The Features You Can Use on Tubidy

Tubidy provides its user with some useful features. Asking about how to access Tubidy? Is not enough.

You should also learn the features. As a result, you know what to do and use the features maximally as you wish.

Top Videos

Just like the name of the feature, it shows you the most popular videos around the world. This feature is great since you know the trend. It can also inspire you to get a new music reference.

Top Searches

The top search feature is for those who don’t have any idea what they are looking for. This feature will help you to know what music people are looking for.

Again, the result can be your reference. Imagine that you can get new music to listen to.

My Recently Viewed

You can come back to Tubidy anytime you want. My recently viewed feature keeps your music history. So, anytime you want to listen to the music or track all you have done, tap this feature.

Read:  The Ultimate Tubidy Review: Is it the Best Music Streaming and Download Site?

Search Box

Do you want to find a specific video? If so, use the search box.

Enter the title of the video and wait for the system to provide the list for you. Then, choose the right videos you want to watch or convert.

How to access Tubidy

Convert Videos to MP3 or MP4 Format

This platform also allows its users to convert videos to MP3 or MP4 format. Pick one of the videos and choose the format. Hit the download button, and the file is ready in a few minutes.

Why is Tubidy not downloading? The best solution is to report your problem to customer support.

Click the report a problem menu and submit your question. Customer service will get the solution for you.

You finally know the importance of accessing Tubidy using an account. At least, you are not asking about “how to access Tubidy?”


